It's been awhile since I updated my blog 'cause of busying with my college life. Finally yeah it's like finally I stepped into my college life after a very very long holidays. College, still about study but the major difference of course is the matter of outfit and also freedom. Get to know new friends and adopting to this new environment are getting easier as the time goes on. Sometimes, drama did happened, but I was starting to ignore instead of kept bothering it with me since I can't do anything about that. People may comes into our life accidently, some stays some doesn't but what can we do to make a change? Honestly, I don't know how and I'm almost lost my direction out of it. Luckily, I have my friends and family, they stay with me they listened to me and that's more than enough. To have my family, they listened to me, give advice to me. To have my close friend, she listened to me, stay with me, comfort me and even get angry whenever I'm hurted. To have my new college mates, thanks for listened to me and always go crazy together. Being excited and depressed in only three weeks of time, it's not easy to go through this big changes. Tired of keeping what doesn't belongs to me, I'm starting to appreciate what I have now. Thinking in another dimension, everything is fine and maybe better than usual.

The 6th years of friendship and still counting, thanks for staying with me no matter how annoying I am.
College life always have fun on having lunch together, making silly jokes and taking photossss! :D
Wai Ket
Ahaa! <3
Ze gang
Selca in the class!
First birthday celebration for Wai Ket!
Birthday Boy turning into 18!
Happy Birthday! :)
His legs is my new addiction! hahaha :P
On the next day we also celebrating Vii's birthday! Welcome back from Johor! :D
Happy 18th my strong girl! <3
Mua ji-muiss
Thanks Edward for the polaroid, me lovin' it berry much!
Me in college mood!
-Signed off-
#nowplaying safe and sound